This online calculator predicts your risk of developing dementia
Dementia is a syndrome which encompases several symptoms like loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life. It affects 10 million new people worldwide every year. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia.Despite incredible advances in research throughout recent years dementia is incurable.
Stem Cells 101: Classification of Stem Cells according to their potency
The human body contains many different cells, which carry out specific functions. These are called differentiated cells. In contrast, a stem cell is undifferentiated. It gives rise to multiple cell types including more stem cells. A stem cell is formed when a sperm penetrates an egg. This is a special kind of stem cell, called a zygote and has the potential to grow into a human being.
History of Stem Cell Therapy (timeline)
Stem Cell Therapy is a treatment or therapeutic approach where stem cells are used with the goal of regenerating other damaged cells in human tissue. The scientific research and medical use of stem cells has a long story of more than a century, since the term stem cells was coined by german scientists in the late 19th century.
Stem Cells 101: Different Types and Sources
Stem Cell Therapy can be easily classified according to the source of the stem cells used. In modest words, a stem cell is the pioneer cell in the body that has the capability to develop into various kinds of body cells such as blood cells, skin cells, etc. Each cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or turn into another kind of cell with a more particular role,
Celebrities and Stem Cell Therapy
Regenerative Medicine is a Medical Field that focuses on regrowing, repairing and restoring damaged tissue, organs or cells. Part of Regenerative Medicine is the use of Stem Cells as a therapy for different illnesses or conditions. Stem Cells are able to transform into other human cells in the body, the purpose of cellular therapy is to repair damaged tissue,
UFC’s Mixed Martial Artist Claudia Gadhela lived the ProgenCell Experience for stem cell therapy.
Specialized Medical Congress in Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
Regenerative medicine is a topic in health that gathers different methods to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or tissues. Regenerative medicine includes tissue engineering, the production of artificial organs and the generation and use of therapeutic stem cells. Stem Cell Therapy is gaining more and more power among other options of regenerative medicine since Stem Cells are cells that have the ability to convert into other types of human cells,
ProgenCell – Stem Cell Therapies is announcing the launch of an updated Stem Cell Treatment Protocol for neurological conditions
ProgenCell – Stem Cell Therapies is announcing the launch of an updated Stem Cell Treatment Protocol for neurological conditions (such as Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). The stem cell therapy protocol has been done with autologous transplantation of bone marrow derived stem cells,
ProgenCell Experience Vol. IV: NewCity Medical Plaza
Why NewCity Medical Plaza? NewCity Medical Plaza gathers every element for you to live the best and most comfortable experience, from a Medical Tower, A Five Star Hotel, Gastronomical District, Shopping Spaces and more. Also you’ll be able to find: