On February 26th Dr. Gaviño who is President of ProgenCell’s Scientific Committee was able to answer your questions on a Facebook Live Session. If you missed it, you can watch it here ( https://fb.watch/4arHaDdw29/ ).
During the transmission here is the information that was discussed.
Regenerative Medicine Scientific Liaison: Hi everyone, thanks for joining us today. My name is Kimberly, I’m a Regenerative Medicine Scientific Liaison and I’m with Dr. Jorge Gaviño, we’re here to talk about PRP and Stem Cell injections in Mexico for your knees today. We have a couple of several questions that were asked by you guys and Dr. Gaviño is going to answer them for us. We are going to start with our first question: it’s from Joe Garcia from California and its “What is the recovery time for both PRP and Stem Cell procedure?”
Dr. Gaviño: Ok Joe, the recovery time is quite fast, in 1 or 2 days you’re able to come back to your regular activities, of course there are some differences. PRP is a simple injection that may require one day of resting. Stem Cell is a more complex procedure that requires maybe 2-3 days of resting from intensive sports but for your regular activity you are able to do it right after, the day after your procedure.
RMSL: Thanks. Now Erika Anderson from New Jersey is wondering “What’s the difference between Stem Cell procedure, PRP and Cortisone?”
Dr: Ok well, there is a huge difference among them because Cortisone is an anti inflammatory drug that only has the effect for a certain time, it could be one day, one week or three weeks at the most and after that, the effect is finished and there is no longer use. PRP, the benefit of the PRP is the growth factor that it has, that growth factor usually lasts one or two months but it doesn’t do any regenerative changes on the joint and it lasts only just a short period of time. On the contrary, Stem Cells which have the ability to repair all the tissues and the damage into the joint, the benefit is longer, could be months. Of course , it depends on the condition of each joint, because there are some patients with a really severe condition that the benefit is for let’s say a year, but there are some other conditions where the damage is mild, then the benefit can last several years. That’s the main difference.
RMSL: That’s an interesting answer. Now Steve Williams from Milwaukee wants to know “What is the age range to become a candidate?”
Dr: Ok,here the answer is not related to the age of the patient, it is related to the condition of the joint, because we have some athletes or young persons around 25-30 years old who have some damage at the joint then that person is already a candidate, it’s a young person. On the average person between 40-50 years old who begin with all the changes and the wearing off of the cartilage and the joint then from that age in the future they’ll be a good candidate. So it’s not only related to age.
RMSL: And Alice Steward from Louisiana is wondering “How long lasting is the effect on Stem Cell and PRP?”
Dr: They’re different because Stem Cells have the ability to repair the damage and if it’s possible to do a good repair, the benefit is going to be for good. PRP doesn’t have that possibility, it lasts a lot less than stem cells.
RMSL: So it’s not that long?
Dr: Yes, it’s not that long.
RMSL: Ok, now Melissa Jones from Arizona “Which treatment is best for muscular damage?”
Dr: There we need to have a better idea of where’s the origin of the damage. If it’s a myopathy which implies some inflammation of the muscles then the best way to improve that condition is by using Intravenously where the Stem Cell travels all over your body and benefits all the muscles. If the injury is related to a heavy lifting to put an example, and the muscle has a rupture, that needs help in the local environment with the healing process. But of course, it’s also related to how much damage the muscle has, if it’s just one muscle or a group of muscles related to the injury.
RMSL: Alright, so it’s related to the cause. Now Jack Wolf from Pennsylvania is asking “How long do I need to rest after the procedure?”
Dr: Well. When we do the procedure, every patient rests strictly speaking, 30 minutes in the surgical room and from there they can come out walking on their own like normal with a bandage on and resting of intense physical activity. The advice is 1-2 days usually. They don’t need to be in bed for a long time, at the contrary, what we want is to activate that person, to go back to normal,
RMSL: Excellent, thank you. Now Sam Collins from Texas is asking “Is inflammation and bruising normal after the procedure?”
Dr: Of course, it’s normal. I mean at any procedure when we use even needles, there is some bruising, there is some inflammation related to the procedure. When we apply the Stem Cell into the joint we don’t do an open surgery, everything is applied under punctures, but even so, it produces some swelling, it may produce some bruising on the area. You know, bruising may be there for 5-7 days, longer than the pain.
RMSL: And this is as you mention, a minimal invasive procedure correct?
Dr: Yes, it’s minimal.
RMSL: Meaning, no open wounds or anything?
Dr: Nothing like that. No stitches or nothing related like that.
RMSL: Ok, thanks. Wallace Miller from Utah is asking “How often do I need the treatment?”
Dr: That depends on the condition, of the severity of your condition. Because some patients may need a procedure every 4 months because their condition is really bad, but some other patients need this every year or every two years because their condition is not so severe, then it’s possible to do it once a year or something like that.
RMSL: So it depends on each case, correct?
Dr: Always, it’s thinking on the condition of each patient, because every patient at the end is different. We are speaking about one illness that affects differently with their manifestations.
RMSL: Yes, so it’s not the same. James Davis from Oregon is asking “Is it recommendable for all athletes?”
Dr: Of course, for all athletes. With the activity that they develop, they have at least minor injuries, some of them are severe because we’ve had different cases , but all athletes with the routine that they perform on a daily basis have some minor injuries that are speeding up the process of wearing off all the joints. Any patient who performs an intense exercise or a physical activity is a good candidate.
RMSL: Ok, that’s great! Now Candace Brown from Wisconsin wants to know “How do I know if I’m a candidate for the treatment?”
Dr: Well, of course it will depend on the condition but the main thing is, if a patient has pain in one joint for a long time he’s already a candidate, to have the proper idea on how to help that condition is important to fulfill the information, to have a proper evaluation of each patient. Then, that way we know when a person becomes a candidate, because of course it is possible when we receive that information to tell them what kind of benefit the patient will have, how often is necessary the procedure and which procedure is the best for them.
RMSL: Ok, thank you! Those are all the questions that we have today, I’m not sure if there is any other question that they would like to ask.
Guest: Yes, we have a question here on Facebook from Stephen from Colorado is asking “What is the source of the Stem Cells that you use at ProgenCell?”
Dr: It is possible to use different sources, we choose the one that is safe for each patient which is autologous, that means it comes from the same patient. The main source there is bone marrow stem cells, who offer all the benefits of the regenerative process but also without risk about rejection, allergic reaction or transmission of any illness, that is why we choose quite often that for each patient. But of course there are different options for the condition of each person.
G: Ok. There is another one question here about the use of Exosomes for Knee Injections.
Dr: Exosomes are a sub-product that stem cells produce their own exosomes, it’s possible to use a part of each of them, yes, it’s possible, but when we combine both of them, then the results are better. Exosomes is just a molecule, a small part of the cell it’s not a whole cell, that’s the main difference.
G: Ok, there is another question but I think this one is for Kimberly. “What is the process to become a patient at ProgenCell?”
RMSL: You can contact us through our social media, you can try sending us a message or you can also visit our website. We have completely different options for treatments on every condition, of course as the doctor mentioned previously, depending on what your condition is we can know through a medical questionnaire you get a medical evaluation from the medical committee and that way the doctors can define if you are a good candidate. If you think that you could probably benefit from that and you’re looking for alternatives, feel free to visit our website which is progencell.com , you can fill our medical questionnaire and we’ll get in contact with you to see if this is the way to go for you.
G: Thank you , those were all the questions.
RMSL: Well, that’s it. Thank you very much for your time Dr. , thank you everyone that joined us at home, now remember you can contact us, watch our Youtube Channel which is also ProgenCell or visit www.progencell.com and fill our the medical questionnaire or you can contact us at the clinic and we’ll be able to help you with you stem cell journey. Thanks everyone, bye, until next month.
If you are interested in the field of Stem Cells or wish to find out if it can offer you a solution to any major health conditions or for wellness purposes contact us and find out if and how Stem Cells can help you improve your quality of life. In Progencell, we are specialists in treatments such as stem cell therapy for MS in Mexico, stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction, stem cells for psoriasis, stem cell treatment for macular degeneration, for diabetes, autism, stem cell therapy for Alzheimer’s and more.
Contact one of our Regenerative Medicine Science Liaisons at 1 (888) 443 6235 or send us an email to info@progencell.com, and schedule an appointment with a stem cell therapy specialist today.
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