With much delight we encounter that the world renowned magazine National Geographic Traveler has included the Tijuana/San Diego Area in its 20 “Best Trips 2016” list, describing the region as “The Coolest and busiest land-border crossing in the Western Hemisphere”
San Diego was noted for having “ 70 miles of sandy shores, a pioneering zoo, Tony-winning theater scene, and Southern California climate.” While Tijuana is described as one of the most important new cultural meccas, for having a very active and independent artist community with internationally recognized works.
The magazine also suggested visiting “The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego exhibits such south-of-the-border painters as Alvaro Blancarte and sells out two field trips a year to Tijuana’s art studios and galleries.”
At ProgenCell we are very proud that our city is not only consider as one of the top medical tourism destinations in the world, but also as an important cultural tourism destination by such a reputable magazine. We encourage to visit Tijuana and explore many of the city nooks stashed with art and culture.
Like recently diseased Tijuana writer Rafa Saavedra, use to say: “Tijuana Makes Me Happy”.
Read more at : http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/best-trips-2016/
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