ProgenCell – Stem Cell Therapies had the honor to be invited to The 2019 Wellness Expo held at Sanford Consortium of Regenerative Medicine hosted by Miracle Coast in Conjunction with Wellness Revolutions and Bella Vista Social Club and Café, included Holistic and Wellness practitioners and keynote speakers as Dr. Angie Cross, Ronnie Cruz, Al and Tony Caligagan.
The expo was an absolute success. The organization, the layout and conferences were held magnificently. ProgenCell was representad by Elias Bemaras CEO of our clinic, Dr. Jorge Gavino Contreras President of ProgenCell’s Scientific Committee, Dr. Jorge Gavino Espinoza and Dr. Liliana Cabrera physicians at ProgenCell – Stem Cell Therapies.
The after party hosted by Amanda at the The Bella Vista Social Club and Café was an excellent opportunity to meet and greet with scientific researches, health professionals, advocates and general public in the field of Regenerative Medicine and Wellness.
“It was a great opportunity to share the experience we have gathered at ProgenCell – Stem Cell Therapies, and to learn from our colleagues and the scientists conducting groundbreaking research in the field of regenerative medicine.”
“La Jolla, California Is to Regenerative Medicine as Silicon Valley Is to the Internet. We are very honored and happy to be here at the 2019 Wellness Expo and event full of talented people and success stories. Having our clinic at these events is useful in so many levels. The constant search for the latest in scientific research and technology by our medical and scientific team is encouraging and motivating. Its an honor to be part of this team” stated Elías Bemarás, our CEO.
ProgenCell – Stem Cell Therapies is committed with the community and its patients in order to always star up-to-date in the medical, scientific and technological advancements in the field of Regenerative Medicine. Events such as 2019 Wellness Expo provide our doctors with the opportunity to do so.
Here, some of the Picture of the Event:
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