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Stem cell therapy is helping professional athletes

Orthopedic specialists in the United States have recently been offering autologous treatments as a way of healing the injuries suffered by athletes.

The goal of these treatments is to speed up recovery time by introducing the athlete’s own stem cells into areas of the body suffering from damage and chronic inflammation. These doctors are reporting success with injured football players, baseball players, and golfers.

From what we can tell, these treatments a

stem cell therapy is helping professional athletes, stem cells, Tijuana, Mexico, ProgenCell

re very close to the protocols we offer at ProgenCell. We have found only three noteworthy differences between what the U.S. sports doctors are offering and what we offer.

First, stem cell therapy is very new, investigatory medicine for doctors in the U.S. They’re only just starting to practice it in Phase 2 clinical trials, with rigid protocols that mustn’t be customized to fit each patient’s particular needs.

We at ProgenCell have been practicing autologous stem cell therapy for more than a decade and have formed a clear idea of how to adapt our protocols to the maximum benefit of the individual patient.

Second, the clinical trials call for a single treatment while we have learned from experience that patients respond much better from a course of three treatments delivered at four-month intervals.

Each successive treatment reinforces the previous one and enables the body to produce more stem cells, and so allows the body to heal itself faster in the future as well as the present.

Third, because the treatments in the U.S. are being conducted as clinical trials, not every patient will be treated.

The patient must first meet all the study’s criteria, then there must be room in the study for that patient. The waiting lists can be daunting. ProgenCell’s time-tested protocols are not limited by such experimental constraints: we’re ready to treat you right away.

If you would like immediate treatment of a sports injury, or if you would like to make yourself more resilient to future injuries, contact ProgenCell today without obligation. We are specialists in a variety of therapies such as stem cells for knees, anti aging and more.

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