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Mexico is safer than many cities in the U.S.

More than 150,000 Americans safely visit Mexico every day. And while the media sensationalizes stories of violence in Mexico, Mexico is safer than many major U.S. cities. Travelers feel relatively safe visiting popular U.S. cities like Miami, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington D.C, or Atlanta. Visitors from around the world enjoy these vibrant cities in relative,

If it bleeds, it leads.

Popular news shows like to start with something sensational or frightening in order to keep their audience tuned in. The need to do this is so entrenched with them that, in the absence of any current scandal, they’ll happily recycle earlier work and present it as if it had just happened.
Such was the case with a news program in the USA.

Is your current treatment working for you?

The biggest problem with incurable conditions is that they’re incurable. Standard treatments for such cases usually obligate the patients to spend the rest of their lives taking drugs that don’t make them better and often produce unpleasant side-effects.
Conventional wisdom has a saying about this sort of thing. “If you keep doing what you’ve been doing,

What is a cure?

One of the most troublesome words in regenerative medicine is “cure”. Pill-pushers and regulatory bureaucrats warn darkly than any practitioner in the field who would dare to use that word is guilty of fraud. And yet, more often than not, the word is used by patients whose treatments were successful.
To be fair, regenerative medicine does not cure any disease – it can only potentiate the body to heal itself by regenerating damaged cells.

Even medicine has its fashion victims.

Lately, we’ve noticed that some of the clinics that limit themselves to liposuction for their stem cells have been disparaging bone marrow as a reliable source – they’re calling it “old-fashioned”. Don’t they see the fallacy in their reasoning? There’s nothing old-fashioned about our bone-marrow protocols. A medical technique younger than the Internet can hardly qualify as old in any sense.

what are eye diseases?

A crash-course in eye diseases

The eye is such a complex mechanism that it can’t be dealt with effectively in blog posts. The more we know about it, the more we know that we don’t know. And, of all our five senses, vision is the one we know the most about. Here at ProgenCell, we have successfully treated many cases of macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa,

Testimonial de enfermo de Parkinson y células madre

ProgenCell and Parkinson’s disease

Doctor Luis Romero made a video in Spanish about a friend who suffers from Parkinson’s disease. It deserves a wider audience, so we have translated his presentation into English here.
Here is a case of a patient with Parkinson’s who has been with us for a little over a year. Aside from being a good friend,

Can stem cell therapies cure diseases?

The short answer is that we still don’t know.
In saying that, ProgenCell takes a very conservative approach to the meaning of “cure”. We generally use the terms “treatment” and “therapy” to describe our work. When stem cell therapy is successful, all it really does is to help the patient’s body heal itself.
As scientists,

No news really isn’t good news

People who remember the cancer scares from the 1950s to the ’70s avoid diagnosticians because they don’t want to be told they have a fatal, incurable disease. The kindly doctors in the soap operas and Hollywood movies of that era were forever summoning up the courage to deliver the death sentence, and the people who remember those scenes would just as soon not be on the receiving end in real life.

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