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Movember – Raising Awareness on Men’s Health

What is Movember?

 Movember is an annual event focused solely on men’s health. It is usually observed by men growing moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues. Awareness and fundraising activities are run year-round, with the annual Movember campaign being globally recognized for its fun, disruptive approach to fundraising and getting men to take action for their health.

 According to the official Movember website, Movember began in Melbourne, Australia, in 2003 when two friends met up for drinks and thought of the idea. They recruited 28 other men in Australia who agreed to grow out their mustaches. At this point, there was no express intent to raise money for charities, but that quickly changed. 

 By 2006, Movember received official charity status from Australia and raised more than $8 million since its inception three years prior. The movement continued to grow, and by 2017, more than 5 million people from 21 countries officially participated and donated. 

 Why is it Important?

 How many widowers do you know? And how many widows? Culturally, men face a different set of challenges when dealing with their health. That is why making observance and campaigns like #Movember, which promotes health culture among men, is so important.

 How is ProgenCell observing #Movember?

 At ProgenCell we are encouraging our male staff to complete certain fun and exciting challenges to raise awareness of the importance of change in the macho culture that is taking a toll on men’s health. For example, our CEO Elias Bemaras is challenging himself to take the stairs at least once this month to get to his office…. On the 28th floor!

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