Dr. Luis Romero
Dr. Luis Romero
Luis Romero, MD, Orthopedist, Spine surgeon, Medical team ProgenCell
Doctor Romero, serves as the president of ProgenCell’s Ethics Committee. He has been helping patients through stem cell therapy since 2000. He graduated from the School of Medicine at University of Guadalajara, serving his internship at the Costa Rica Social Security Agency in San José, and taking his specialization at Magdalena de las Salinas Hospital in Mexico City. He is certified by the Mexican Board of Orthopedic Surgeons. He is a respected member of the Medical Association of Tijuana, the Orthopedics and Traumatology Association of Tijuana, the Mexican Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology, and the Mexican Association of Spinal Surgeons. He has served as chief of training for Contreras Hospital in Mexico City and as professor of clinical medicine at the University of Guadalajara. Aside from stem cell therapy, Doctor Romero also researches innovations in ozone discolysis, patellar tendon reconstruction, and traumatic medular lesions.Doctor Romero is an Orthopedist and a General Surgeon who graduated from the School of Medicine at Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara.
He has served as Chief Surgical Services at Hospital Ernesto Contreras R., Chief of Orthopedic Services at Hospital Ernesto Contreras R., Lead Orthopedic surgeon at Hospital el Buen Samaritano in Tijuana.
Co-Founder and Medical Director of ProgenCell.
Dr. Romero Guerra belongs to several associations and institutions:
- Colegio Médico de Tijuana.
- Medical Association of Tijuana.
- Colegio de Ortopedia y Traumatología de Tijuana.
- Orthopedics Assocation of Tijuana.
Currently he does research related to bone marrow reconnection in spinal cord injury as well as ligament surgery of the lumbar region. He also dedicates his time to research about treatment of chronic and degenerative diseases with auto infusion of stem cells from the bone marrow.