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About ProgenCell

Are you living with a chronic degenerative disease?
The multidisciplinary medical staff of ProgenCell is here for you.
Living with a chronic degenerative disease is a challenge for anyone.
Therefore you and your family must carefully select your specialists to treat it. ProgenCell, works in conjunction with our team of doctors and an alliance of health institutions, to focusing on improving your condition. We are determinated to find the best option possible to deal eradicate the cause of the disease.

Our medical staff, the scientific committee and the ethic committee are formed by the following specialists:

Our Mission
Along with an honest and professional staff, our mission is to provide the highest quality treatments to regenerate damaged tissues; in our state of the art facility. ProgenCell also innovates applications of cell therapies to improve the quality of life of patients with degenerative diseases, through performing research protocols currently authorized by Mexico’s health authority (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios or COFEPRIS)

Our Vision
We are a team of professionals and specialists performing treatments on degenerative diseases with an internationally recognized service. We have worldwide associations to serve a greater number of patients; making our medical technology accessible to more people. We collaborate continuously with research, to develop and perfect techniques and procedures to treat more diseases, always complying with health authorities regulations..
Our values and commitments:

    • Safety.
    • High quality of Service.
    • Honesty and Professionalism.
    • Secure facility and convenient logistics (transport, lodging, etc.).
    • Promote individual and familiar dignity.
    • Excellence in our medical and company integrity.
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