People who remember the cancer scares from the 1950s to the ’70s avoid diagnosticians because they don’t want to be told they have a fatal, incurable disease. The kindly doctors in the soap operas and Hollywood movies of that era were forever summoning up the courage to deliver the death sentence, and the people who remember those scenes would just as soon not be on the receiving end in real life. “What good is it,” they ask, “to know you are going to die and there’s nothing that can be done about it?”
But a lot has been done about it in the fields of gerontology and regenerative medicine over the last half-century. Emphasis has shifted from making the patient as comfortable as possible to making the patient as well as possible. There have even been a few new cures. But the greatest advancements have been in creating effective treatments. More and more, patients can expect to live out their normal lives with few, if any, symptoms of their incurable diseases. The death sentence of the past now comes true only if the patient does nothing to arrest their condition.
In medicine, it is dangerous to hold too tightly onto what had been true in the past. Nowadays, when you ask why you need to be tested for an incurable disease, our answer is “Why, in order to save your life, of course.” If you’re afraid to find out you have a degenerative disease, don’t wait for more symptoms to show up. Ask ProgenCell to evaluate your case today at no cost and with no obligation. Many neurodegenerative, immunological, metabolic, and ophthalmic conditions are manageable so long as you let us treat them in time.

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