It is called Erectile Dysfunction when you lose the ability to achieve and maintain an erection enough to allow satisfactory sexual performance.
Traditional treatment options are usually initiated with oral medications, and when they do not respond there are alternatives such as prosthesis and direct injections.
However, all the above only help the function for short periods of time.
These methods do not always correct the cause since they do not treat the psychological, metabolic or structural origin; in addition, they produce side effects and are often inconvenient and impractical to use. All these factors affect the physical, mental and social development of your life and your partner.
Stem cells for ED are an alternative since they are capable of self-renewing and regenerating damaged structures. But not only this, they can also improve metabolic conditions and delay the effects of aging, giving patients an opportunity to recover spontaneous erectile activity. These responses and the fact that you are acting in benefit of your health will increase your self-confidence.
Cell therapy has shown that in the first 4 to 6 weeks the fibers start to rehabilitate, and blood circulation of the cavernous tissue improves, which contributes to the muscle tone and firmness of the penis. Depending on the patient’s habits, the benefits of cell therapy and your satisfaction may last for several years.
Improving your quality of life is possible.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common type of male sexual dysfunction. It happens when a man has trouble getting or keeping an erection. ED becomes more common as men get older.
ProgenCell’s Scientific Committee has develop a stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction to help men overcome the disease and improve their quality of life. Stem cell treatment for erectile dysfunction at ProgenCell, is done with a protocol designed and applied by certified surgeons and urologists, overseen by an IRB (Institutional Review Board) to provide a top quality and safe treatment.
How is stem cell treatment for Erectile Dysfunction done?
Adult Stem Cells are harvested from the patients own body with local anesthesia. Stem cells are then prepared and concentrated to be infused intravenously and also with a direct penis injection. Stem cells find their way to repair damaged tissue and restoring vascular response therefore improving organ function.
After each particular case evaluation our medical team could also recommend supporting infusions of Hormones, Vitamins and/or mineral to improve an overall body function. To find out if you are a good candidate for Stem Cell Erectile Dysfunction Treatment, please fill the following medical questionnaire or contact 1 (888) 443 6235 and a Clinical Case Manager will get in touch with you.
Clinical Trial
ProgenCell – Stem Cell Therapies is conducting a phase 3 Clinical Trial to treat patients with Erectile Dysfunction. To enroll in the trial please fill the following medical questionnaire, restrictions apply.
To assess primary efficacy of autologous bone marrow derived stem cell infusion in refractory ED.
To determine durability of success and dose for moderate and sever cases of erectile dysfunction management.
Estimated Enrollment:
30 subjects
Enrollment start date: May 2017
Trial estimate duration: 9 months
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
• Males, 30 to 60 years old suffering from moderate to sever erectile dysfunction.
Exclusion Criteria:
• Inability to give informed consent or attend follow up
• Severe diabetic neuropathy or other neuropathic disease
• Viral disease from infectivity viewpoint
• Major penile fibrosis or severe Peyronie’s disease
• Severe primary large vessel ED
• Severe primary venous leakage ED
• Prior systemic chemotherapy, or radiotherapy to donor or recipient area
• Receiving Psychological or Psychiatric treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the procedure performed?
It is an outpatient process, in which anesthesia is first applied to the patient and once the effect is done, injections are made to the cavernous tissue.
Do you need disability time?
No. The procedure is simple and painless so the patient does not need to stop carrying out their daily activities.
What indications exist after treatment with stem cells for ED?
The patient is asked not to have sexual relations for at least a week after the treatment so that it can have the desired effect.
How long does the treatment last?
Sessions last 1 hour. The treatment period is as indicated by our doctors (1 day or up to 4.)