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What’s it like to have your bone marrow harvested?

People can be squeamish about things they’ve never experienced before, especially when it comes to medical procedures, so we’re not surprised when a prospective patient asks us about bone marrow.

The fact of the matter is that the primitive bone marrow transplantation practiced on leukemia patients a half-century ago was slow and painful.

How did medicine survive before FDA?

Those of us who practice on the forefront of medicine get tired of hearing advice like “Don’t trust any doctor whose treatments aren’t approved by the FDA” from bureaucrats and laymen.

It’s not that we have anything against the FDA – we’re really natural allies in the advancement of medical practice because we give them discoveries that they turn into accepted procedures.

My visit to ProgenCell

Finally, the day of my stem cell procedure at ProgenCell is here. It is impressive how fast my case has been followed, since I filled the case evaluation online, until I got my first appointment with the doctor. Definitely it was more simple than I imagined,

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