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COVID-19 Safety Protocols

The safety and well-being of our patients, network of providers and staff is our top priority. We, at ProgenCell, are taking all the necessary precautions to have the safest transition possible to our new normal. In this process, it is important to let our patients and staff familiarize with the SAFETY PROTOCOLS that we are implementing.

Stem Cell Therapy trending among celebrities in 2020

In recent years Stem Cell Therapy has increased its popularity, efficacy and accessibility. The benefits of stem cell treatments are now beyond discussion and everyday more and more people are different addressing health issues with Stem Cell Therapy. Recently, stem cell therapy has become a health trend among celebrities and professional athletes. Among those there are some iconic names in Musica and sports who have benefited from Stem Cell Therapy.

Mejorar el sistema inmune a base de infusiones intravenosas

El uso de complejos multivitaminicos, minerales, con altas dosis de vitamina C mejora el sistema inmune Las vitaminas son imprescindibles para que el sistema inmune sea eficiente, es de especial importancia combinar diferentes vitaminas para ganar defensa inmunitaria. VITAMINA C La vitamina C es un nutriente esencial que se encuentra en los alimentos y en [...]
ProgenCell Stem Cell Treatment Center

New ProgenCell Stem Cell Treatment Center to open this Summer

After years of planning, design and construction, the new ProgenCell Stem Cell Treatment Center will officially open its doors to patients in the Summer of 2020. Current and future patients can get a sneak peek inside, in the following Quick Video Tour, hosted by our CEO: Elías Bemarás.

We are thrilled that our vision of expanding stem cell treatment center has come to fruition,” said Elias Bemarás.

Stem Cell Treatment in Mexico

Educational Series: Stem Cell Treatment in Mexico

ProgenCell – Stem Cell Therapies is helding an informational seminar for the general public to foster greater interest in Stem Cell Treatment and Regenerative Medicine. With the goal to familiarize the participants with the nearshore availability of Stem Cell Therapies and provide insightful information on the current scientific, legal and ethical state of Stem Cell Treatment in Mexico and Medical Tourism.

Stem Cell Therapy Myths

7 Stem Cell Therapy Myths debunked

Misconceptions arise about any emerging medical treatment, but they seem particularly pronounced when it comes to Stem Cell Therapy. Perhaps that’s because the ethical debate that has surrounded stem cell therapy has forced several prejudices in to it.There are many myths about this subject and much erroneous speculation. So we asked Dr. Luis Romero and other members of ProgenCell Scientific Committee to identify the common myths about Stem Cell Therapy today to help people wishing to know more about it separate fact from fiction.

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