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My visit to ProgenCell

Finally, the day of my stem cell procedure at ProgenCell is here. It is impressive how fast my case has been followed, since I filled the case evaluation online, until I got my first appointment with the doctor. Definitely it was more simple than I imagined,

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Information



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complex of medical conditions of unknown etiology characterized by intense, debilitating, and severe fatigue – both physical and mental – that lasts for six months or more. Its symptoms vary and do not show any specific origin. CFS interferes with daily activities,

ProgenCell Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Knee Pain – Case Study

Male patent, 56 years old, high performance athlete, begins with pain in both knees with predominance in left knee, progressive damage, on 2012 reports absolute limitation to practice any sport and even certain everyday activities became painful.
Autologous cell therapy obtained from minimally manipulated bone marrow stem cells was applied, which consisted of intra-joint injection,

Documents Needed to Travel to Mexico for Medical Reasons

Many people believe that there are special documents required to travel to Mexico to receive medical treatment. This is not true. In Mexico, tourist and medical patients that are traveling from United States are treated the same. The only document patients who want to pursue stem cell treatment or for other medical reasons will only need their passport. 

Mexico is safer than many cities in the U.S.

More than 150,000 Americans safely visit Mexico every day. And while the media sensationalizes stories of violence in Mexico, Mexico is safer than many major U.S. cities. Travelers feel relatively safe visiting popular U.S. cities like Miami, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington D.C, or Atlanta. Visitors from around the world enjoy these vibrant cities in relative,

If it bleeds, it leads.

Popular news shows like to start with something sensational or frightening in order to keep their audience tuned in. The need to do this is so entrenched with them that, in the absence of any current scandal, they’ll happily recycle earlier work and present it as if it had just happened.
Such was the case with a news program in the USA.

Is your current treatment working for you?

The biggest problem with incurable conditions is that they’re incurable. Standard treatments for such cases usually obligate the patients to spend the rest of their lives taking drugs that don’t make them better and often produce unpleasant side-effects.
Conventional wisdom has a saying about this sort of thing. “If you keep doing what you’ve been doing,

What is a cure?

One of the most troublesome words in regenerative medicine is “cure”. Pill-pushers and regulatory bureaucrats warn darkly than any practitioner in the field who would dare to use that word is guilty of fraud. And yet, more often than not, the word is used by patients whose treatments were successful.
To be fair, regenerative medicine does not cure any disease – it can only potentiate the body to heal itself by regenerating damaged cells.

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